EB Art Studio - EB Art Collection
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EB Art Studio

EB Art Studio

“I study the science of art, creativity, and productivity, to bring about the finished work with non-stop dreaming; this makes my existence.”

Ezgi Bilgin


Ezgi Bilgin’s studio has always been both home and workshop, and still is. She believes an artist is an artist 24/7. While sleeping, thinking, cooking, cleaning, playing with her cat, meeting with friends, teaching, and painting, an artist must never cease to dream and create. An artist collects ideas, inspired  by the little moments that make life, and stores them in that creative place in the soul. Ezgi loves taking care of her studio and she believes that it has a soul and different energy. The studio itself inspires her. She decided to be an artist when she was just 7-years-old and she worked hard since that time to achieve that dream. Now you can see what kind of projects she has done and continues to do; art education, workshops, mural art, hotel design and concept art works for interrior designs, art therapy for special needs and social responsibility projects.

For more information please contact